Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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Environmental Conditions and Functional Requirements for Asphalt Mixing Plants
November 6th, 2019

With the increasing trend of environmental protection and energy conservation, the environmental protection of asphalt mixing plants has gradually become the mainstream form of mixing plant development. What kind of equipment can be called an environmentally friendly asphalt mixing plant? What are the basic conditions that must be met?

First, as an environmentally friendly asphalt mixing plant, it is necessary to meet the requirement of using less energy consumption during use. That is to say, under the same quantity and the same quality, less energy is consumed during the operation, including various resources such as water and electricity.

Secondly, the environmentally friendly asphalt mixing plant not only requires less energy consumption, but also must achieve higher production efficiency, while reducing the carbon emissions in the entire production process, in order to meet the proposed low carbon production requirements.

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In addition, it is eligible to be defined as an environmentally friendly asphalt mixing plant if it can effectively control the pollutants produced and reduce the direct damage to the environment caused by pollutants in the production process. There is also a requirement for the planning of its plant, whether it is the production area or the conversion zone of waste water and waste gas, it must be reasonable.

Generally, the environmentally friendly asphalt mixing plant can be divided into two types, the batch type and the continuous type, as well as the ordinary asphalt mixing plant. However, in any form, the dry-heated different particle size aggregates, fillers and asphalt can be mixed and mixed into a uniform mixture at a specified temperature.

A complete set of environmentally friendly asphalt mixing plants that meet these environmental and functional requirements can be widely used in high-grade roads, urban roads, airports, terminals, parking lots, etc., and ensure the quality of asphalt pavement.

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