What is asphalt emulsifier? What are the main applications of emulsified asphalt?

January 24th, 2022
Asphalt emulsifier is a kind of surfactant. The surfactants we can see in our daily life include detergent, detergent, soap and so on. In short, asphalt emulsifier is actually a medium in which asphalt can be dissolved in water. Without this medium, asphalt cannot be dissolved in water and form a stable state.
Emulsified asphalt is a kind of stable oil in water or water in oil liquid asphalt formed by asphalt, emulsifier and water under a certain production process. Firstly, the emulsifier is dissolved in water to form soap liquid, and then the asphalt molecules are wrapped by the water molecules in the soap liquid after cutting and grinding by the equipment, so as to make the asphalt in water and form a stable liquid form within a certain period of time.
In terms of application, asphalt emulsifier is a kind of road material developed for the production of emulsified asphalt. It belongs to the category of chemicals. It is the development of emulsifier and other chemical products that promotes the wide application of emulsified asphalt.

The invention and application of emulsified asphalt have a history of more than 100 years in the world. The first batch of industrialized emulsified asphalt products were produced by Emile Feigel, a French chemist, in Alsace, France in 1905. However, its application in road engineering began in 1915. The British used it for surface treatment on gravel road surface. Emulsified asphalt products are mainly used to spray pavement to reduce dust in early highway construction.
At the initial stage of application, anionic emulsified asphalt is mainly used.
In the early 1950s, France developed cationic asphalt emulsifier and found many superior properties of cationic emulsified asphalt. Cationic emulsified asphalt not only gives play to the advantages of anionic emulsified asphalt, but also makes up for the poor adhesion between anionic emulsified asphalt and mineral aggregate, and the worse adhesion with acidic mineral aggregate, which makes the development and application of emulsified asphalt enter a new stage.