What are the characteristics of asphalt cold patching materials?

February 22, 2022
1. Suitable for any weather and environment
Asphalt cold patching materials are applicable to a wide range of ambient temperatures, and can be used between - 30 ℃ and 50 ℃.
2. The construction is simple, the asphalt cold patching material is used, and the adhesive layer oil is not required during repair. The prepared materials can be taken at any time without heavy construction machinery. According to the different repair conditions of the pavement, the road roller can be used for compaction, impact compaction and manual compaction.
3, good quality asphalt cold patching material has very strong anti-aging and bonding properties. The repaired pits and grooves are not easy to fall off, crack and other adverse phenomena, and do not need to be repaired again.
4. It is easy to store asphalt cold patching materials. They can be stored in the open air for more than two years at room temperature, and the storage time of bagged sealed finished products can be longer.
5. The production process of asphalt cold patching material is simple, and simple mixing equipment can be directly used for local production.
6. The area repaired with asphalt cold patching material for convenient transportation does not need to be closed and can be opened to traffic immediately, which can greatly alleviate the traffic pressure caused by road repair construction.
7. The production and use of green asphalt cold patching materials will not produce dust and black smoke, and the finished products are insoluble in water. Therefore, it will not pollute the atmosphere and groundwater, which is conducive to environmental protection.
8. It is widely used. Asphalt cold repair materials have good adhesion with asphalt concrete, cement concrete, metal surface, wood surface and other materials with different substrates. It can be widely used in the repair and maintenance of various pavements.
9. The repair cost is low. The construction with asphalt cold patching material is not limited by the weather and the size and quantity of pits and grooves. The timely repair can avoid the expansion of pits and grooves and save repair materials. There is no need to heat or mix during the repair. The remaining materials can be used at any time according to the actual consumption. The remaining materials can continue to be used in the next repair without causing material waste and can be truly used 100%.
10. Significant social benefits. The use of asphalt cold patching materials can timely repair the pavement, keep the pavement fresh, ensure smooth roads, reduce the number of pavement repairs and prolong the service life of the road.