1. Temperature control
The temperature in the mixing process of asphalt mixture is related to the production quality of mixture, but in the process of life, due to the influence of transportation distance and environment, the mixing temperature can not be effectively controlled. Secondly, in the maintenance of asphalt pavement, the pavement will open before it drops to a certain temperature, resulting in tire burst and rutting diseases, which is not conducive to road driving safety.
2. Pavement cracks
Insufficient pavement strength is the main cause of cracks. When vehicles are driving on the pavement, the pavement is overloaded, so there will be transverse or longitudinal network cracks. If cracks appear on the pavement, it will affect the safety of vehicle driving. And the rainwater will enter the interior along the cracks, which will affect the structure of the pavement and even lead to collapse. At the same time, if the soft soil foundation is not properly treated during the construction, longitudinal cracks will also appear after the vehicle runs and rolls the road, affecting the road safety.

3. Pavement oil flashing
The problem of road flooding usually occurs in high temperature season. This is mainly due to unreasonable conditions in the mixing ratio of asphalt materials, such as high asphalt content and insufficient mineral powder. Therefore, under the condition of high temperature, the stability of asphalt is weakened, and the problem of oil flashing will occur.
4. Mixture segregation
The separated asphalt mixture cannot complete the paving operation, so this problem has a great impact. In the long-term practice, it is found that the causes of asphalt mixture segregation are: the performance of the mixture does not meet the demand, and the improper transportation process leads to segregation problems, such as road turbulence, long transportation distance and so on. However, the performance of the mixture after segregation has changed and can not be used in road construction, so it can only be removed from the site, resulting in waste.
5. Rutting and wave problems
Rutting and waves often appear on the pavement of road engineering. The rutting problem is mainly caused by the wheel pressure of the vehicle. The vehicle will output a certain pressure to the pavement during driving. When the load borne by the pavement exceeds its bearing limit, it will lead to pavement deformation and rutting. When the road surface is rutted, the rolling back and forth of vehicles will become more and more obvious in the long run, and the road roughness will become more serious. The main causes of rutting and wave problems are as follows: the overload of heavy trucks leads to the pavement bearing pressure exceeding the limit, resulting in obvious deformation under the rolling of vehicles, and rutting occurs over time. Secondly, asphalt materials have their own problems, which makes the bearing capacity of pavement difficult to meet the actual demand. However, if the subgrade compaction does not meet the requirements, rutting and wave problems will also occur. When the subgrade has not been effectively compacted, the pressure output in the process of vehicle driving makes the road deform and eventually form rutting problem.

6. Pavement water damage
Among the various problems of asphalt pavement, the problem of pavement water damage is a more common phenomenon. Some roads will have this problem less than a year after opening to traffic. The main reason is that the stability control ability of asphalt mixture is weak. Therefore, when the pavement is in the water environment, its internal structure presents instability, so dispersion occurs. Several common forms of water damage include looseness, potholes, falling particles, etc. Most of the water damage problems are caused by the weak control of coarse aggregate in the mixture. When the pores are large, rainwater will penetrate into the interior of the structure along the pores, so as to reduce the adhesion of asphalt concrete, loosen and peel off, and then there are pits under the action of vehicle load.